7 Productivity Secrets from the World’s Most Successful CEOs

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Business Optimizer takes a look at the productivity tips shared by some of the world’s most successful and well-known CEOs.

#1 Paper Calendar

Ida Tin, CEO of Clue and author of Danish bestseller Direktøs, is a big fan of David Sibbert’s Visual Leaders and says, “using visual tools to stay organized and productive is key for me”.

She suggests having a paper wall calendar where you can see the whole year – it’s something that helps her find the balance between work, travelling, and family life.

2# Whiteboard or notebook and pen

Itamar Lesuisse, CEO of Peak Itamar, is a big fan of ditching the technology occasionally.

“When I need a high level of concentration I put my laptop aside and use a whiteboard or my notebook and pen. It’s the best way to avoid distraction and forces you to concentrate on the ideas and tasks at hand.”

3#Cone of Silence

Andrew Marsh, CEO of Fifth Column Games Marsh, has introduced the idea of a “cone of silence” to Fifth Column Games in order to give his team a way of communicating that they shouldn’t be interrupted. Marsh says:

“Being able to focus intensely without interruption is a valuable productivity tool for everyone at Fifth Column Games.”

#4 Combination of notebooks and productivity apps

Maria Sebregondi, CEO of Moleskine Sebregondi, recommends finding what works for you. She uses a combination of her company’s own Moleskine notebooks plus a selection of productivity apps, including Evernote, to help her stay organized and productive.

#5 “Distraction List”

Stefano Merlo, CEO of Noisli.com, Merlo keeps a “distraction list” in which he can write down ideas or unfinished tasks that he thinks about when working on something else. This way, he can return to it later when he has more time.

#6 “To-do list” in the morning

Payman Taei, CEO of Visme, writes a to-do list first thing in the morning, or the night before, to itemize that day’s priorities. Scratching off items and adding new ones through the day helps him stay focus on what he most wants to accomplish.

#7 Short “to-do lists”

Ethan Austin, CEO of Give Forward,  is also a big fan of to-do lists – but recommends keeping it short. He says,

it’s too easy to get bogged down in email and other people’s priorities,keeping my to-do list forces me to prioritize and just do the things that are most important.”
Learning from the pros is always insightful – and boosting your productivity is no different.

What’s interesting is that so many CEOs don’t look to technology to be more productive – just simple ideas that help them stay focused. How many of these tips could you integrate into your own working life?