How paper helps you power new ideas!

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Paper is fundamental to the capture and transmission of ideas. For more than 2,000 years we have been using paper to record and transmit ideas, to inspire and inform us. Even today, paper is at the sharp end of creation and innovation.

Paper-based systems can help us have to ideas, think more creatively and organize our ideas better. These are some of the ways paper can help us improve the way we work.

Bullet Journaling

A new way of organizing your paper notetaking, bullet journaling helps you to organize your ideas through the use of a daily log, a monthly log, a future log, an index and many “rapid logging” symbols. It’s remarkably easy to do and a useful tool to bring a little more order to the life of anyone who loves to make or take paper notes.

Mind Mapping

There isn’t a better way to gather the ideas of a large or disparate group of people in a way that can stir debate and inspire collaboration and fresh thinking. All you need is a quite space, a group of people, a marker pen, a large paper pad and stand and a shared willingness to have an open mind. Here, paper beats software hands down because of the immediacy and urgency of the medium.


The calming feel of putting pen to paper and allowing your mind a free hand is both liberating and relaxing. It gives you space where your mind can wander freely and often provides just enough freedom to resolve a thorny problem or produce a new idea.

The Daily “To Do” List

Writing a daily “to do” list, either the night before or at the start of your day is a great way to focus on the tasks at hand.
There is something about the physical process of scratching out what you need to get done that day that helps to focus the mind. Cross each item off as you complete it and your day progresses with regular momentary senses of achievement and a clear oversight of what is still to be done.

How does paper help you to think, or capture or share ideas? Use the comments below and share with us how using paper help you to work smarter.