5 tips on how to get back to work after vacations and during the pandemic

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Shutting down your computer before you head away on holiday feels great, especially this year!!! However, before you know it, it will be time to be back at your desk again.

There are a few ways to beat the back-to-work blues so that your holiday afterglow can last as long as your suntan. Here are 5 tips on how to get back to work after time away:

#1 Buffer time

Whether you’re flying halfway around the world or just a few hours’ drives away, build some time in before the end of your holiday and your return to work. Give yourself a chance to recover from traveling, with a slow day when you get home to get unpacked and ready for work. This also applies to a holiday spent around the home – or treat yourself to a meal out so you don’t have to cook. Use this time to prepare for changing gear and springing back into action.

#2 Forward planning

Prepare to get back to work before you go away. Make sure you name a contact in your out-of-office message so you can let them deal with anything urgent while you are away. Make them your first port of call when you return to the office. They can bring you up to speed and help you identify your priorities.

#3 Check your to-do list

Taking time away from your day-to-day role can boost your creativity and problem-solving capabilities. On your first day, scan your to-do list. Are there any particularly gnarly tasks that look different with fresh eyes? Reappraise your priorities and check in with your line manager. They’ll be able to help you manage your workload and can assess if you’ve got your to-do list in the right order.

#4 Be realistic

Don’t try and work your way through all your tasks at once. Working at your key role is only a part of what your employer expects of you. They also need you to be proactive and stay on top of any company developments that have happened while you’ve been away.

#5 Holiday Hangover

While you might be refreshed and ready to go, your inbox might be full of emails written by over-tired, stressed out colleagues and clients who don’t have your new energy. Remember how you felt before your break and take a deep breath. Oh – and plan to do something nice at the weekend, so that you have a positive focus to incentivize you.

Let’s face it, back-to-work in the COVID-19 era is not easy. There’s so many “if’s” going on, numerous uncertainties, many changes on course…

Keeping our mental health is crucial for our success.

So, follow our tips, take care of yourself, and keep following your success.