10 Print Materials to Increase your Sales

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Print marketing has changed a lot since the advent of the Internet and the social media world we live in today. This means there are new rules for your printed marketing materials – if you are going to succeed in using them to increase your sales.

Printed marketing materials are tangible and enduring in a way that digital marketing can never be. Plus, they have much better open and response rates than digital advertising.

Combine these facts with the novel new print effects and high-end finishes that are available today and there’s a really compelling case to be made for revisiting printed marketing.

Business Optimizer reviews the ten best print marketing materials for increasing your sales.

#1. Brochures

The humble brochure has a sticking power that a Facebook post simply can’t imitate. Customers will pick them up and save them – sometimes hanging onto them for years. Invest in beautiful photography and quality paper, so that there are more reasons to keep yours. Why not explore unusual formats and print finishes too so yours stands out from the crowd.

What paper should I choose to print brochures?

#2. Business cards

Probably most of us haven’t been handing out too many business cards over the last twelve months, but when we return to the office – and we will, eventually – business cards are indispensable for face-to-face meetings. Whether it’s sales opportunities, meetings, events or trade shows, the business card is useful for the individual and an important part of your company branding. Although they usually involve a minimalist graphical style and have a small format, there are still ways to make yours stand out from the pack. Invest in the luxurious paper, add special print effects and experiment with unusual form factors.

Check here some great paper options

#3. Catalogues

Back in the twentieth century when catalogs were the go-to form factor if you wanted to share your inventory of products with your customers, they tended to be weighty affairs printed on thin, low-grade paper to save costs. Now that your website is your main inventory of products for sale, printed catalogs have a different purpose – and a different form factor as a result.

Your goal now is to direct your customers to the website so they can purchase, so the catalog should be more like a piece of advertising than a product list. Instead of trying to display your entire product range, you can pick and choose the stand-out products from your collection and then display them in beautiful high-quality print.

Invest in quality paper and eye-catching photography, add value-add copy that is of interest to your audience, maybe even splash out on special print effects or binding – whatever will grab your customers’ attention, entice them to your store (online or otherwise) and make them want to treasure your catalog.

#4. Direct mail postcards

You can supplement your brochures and catalogues with targeted postcards that promote a particular event, season, product or trend. This allows you to quickly adapt, be spontaneous and leverage sudden events or market changes to boost sales.

The postcard is a familiar format that often evokes happy memories – making it even more enticing for your customer to pick up and keep. And they’re versatile – you can send them as mailers, hand them out in your physical stores, use them as flyers or event communications, leave them in friendly venues or work with local partner businesses who can distribute them to their customers on your behalf.

To get the best printing quality look for a paper that shows off the real color and vivid images. Remember, postcards are actually a great opportunity to dazzle potential clients. So, please, don’t go cheap on the paper choice.

#5. Flyers

Having a stack of general flyers for your business printed on nice paper with all your contact details included is a great stand-by.

They’ll help you maximize ad-hoc marketing opportunities when they arise – whether to include in printed magazine runs, distribute at local events, hand out at trade fairs or pop-up shops – if you’ve got a stack of flyers to always hand you can say yes to any last-minute opportunities to reach potential customers.

Regarding the paper choice, look for a paper that guarantees you a high printing quality but also that respects the environment. Fortunately, brands as Navigator paper offers you a paper range that allows you to be eco-conscious and engaged.

#6. Signs, posters and banners

Banners and posters really come into their own if you are attending a trade fair or special event. But in today’s world of video conferencing, they are also a great way to dress your background or conference room without having to rely on digital backgrounds. And when we do all get back to the office, you can use them as branded wall art in your revamped space.

#7. Presentation folders

Investing in printed presentation folders can be a big win for business-to-business companies. If you run regular events and seminars, training courses, or deliver sales proposals to customers in printed format, they are almost an essential. Customers can keep their event notes together with your handouts and marketing materials – and all in a handy branded folder they will probably hold onto long after the meeting notes have passed their usefulness.

How can you stand out from the competition? Well, we all know that “God is in the details!” so go for a premium paper that offers you a perfect surface for enhancing high-resolution documents. Give it try and you’ll see the differences.

#8. Branded envelopes

If you are sending letters or other written communications by post, then branded envelopes can be a great investment. For mailings to existing customers, your branding on the outside of the envelope will make the recipient more likely to open it.

For mailings to new customers, branded envelopes provide an opportunity to engage with customers before they have opened – or (hopefully not) discarded – the mailer. Attractive photography, humour and tantalising promotions can all help to boost open rates – and, consequently, conversion rates.

#9. Thank you cards

Never underestimate the power of a branded thank you card! Even better if it includes a hand-written note. Include them with a delivery to thank your customer for an order. Send them after an event to thank your contact for attending or participating. Send them on the anniversary of their first purchase with you. These small sentiments go a long way in building brand loyalty.

#10. Calendars

It was almost a joke in the days of yore – buyers and secretaries could receive so many each year that plenty probably ended up in the bin. Now that the trend has waned, there is a lot more space for your brand to stand out. Especially if you take a value-add approach – perhaps by adding seasonal discount vouchers month by month? Or perhaps by adding daily advice, inspiration or jokes that feel in line with your brand.

Why should you do it? Simply put, calendars have a long shelf life – the recipient will have your brand on the wall next to them for twelve months. What else can deliver that kind of impact?

Need more inspiration? Discover how brands have boosted customer engagement with paper-based campaigns.

Still not convinced? Discover the stats and numbers behind paper and print.

And read what’s so good about paper?