Business Optimizer

June 3, 2021

How to Make Your Own Flashcards

Flashcards are an important tool for helping to embed learning. This makes them especially useful for exam revision. As we enter exam season, Business Optimizer takes […]
May 27, 2021
Paper planners

Why Paper Planners Are Better Than Digital

Why are an increasing number of people turning their backs on digital planning tools and embracing paper planners? Business Optimizer looks at what makes paper planners […]
May 21, 2021
print materials with navigator

10 Print Materials to Increase your Sales

Print marketing has changed a lot since the advent of the Internet and the social media world we live in today. This means there are new […]
May 20, 2021
notetaking techniques with Navigator paper

Effective Notetaking Techniques

Effective notetaking is an essential skill for the very best students. It’s also a huge asset in business and working life too. Business Optimizer considers some […]
May 13, 2021

Sustainable Food Packaging Trends

Sustainability will be a key issue this year as nations around the world try to “build back better” as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. With […]
May 7, 2021

Build your Creativity on Paper

Business Optimizer considers creative exercises that require only a pen and a sheet of paper – and that are proven to help you develop your creative […]
May 6, 2021

Successful People’s Outdoor Retreats to Escape Lockdown

What have the great and the good been doing to escape the confinement of lockdown? Like the rest of us, many people have been turning to […]
April 29, 2021

Effective Studying Techniques [Infographic]

Effective studying techniques are an essential skill for the very best students. It’s also a huge asset in business and working life too. Business Optimizer considers […]
April 15, 2021

Volunteer-from-home Opportunities to Help Others that You Will Love

Volunteering has many benefits beyond the benefits and assistance your actions give to others. Volunteers can themselves gain confidence, meet people, learn new skills, have fun […]
April 8, 2021

Increase Customer Engagement with Paper

Paper-based marketing has an important role to play in the marketing mix. It can help to connect with audiences in a way that digital marketing simply […]
April 1, 2021

How Reading Can Help Your Mental Health

Most of us know that reading is the best way to boost general knowledge and literacy, but did you know that reading is also good for […]
March 25, 2021
easter wooden decorations and eggs

DIY Fun with Paper: Easter Edition

With many parents still working from home whilst trying to manage home schooling, we are always on the lookout for easy, fun activities to keep the […]
March 18, 2021
hand holding a small plant

The Importance of Knowing a Forest in Detail

Forests are the lungs of our planet, so managing them well will play an important role in how successfully we limit climate change. Now, the My […]