Business Optimizer

July 3, 2018

6 Tips to Minimize Stress On Your Return from Vacation

June 28, 2018

Celebrity Stress-Busters: Tips on how to relax from the famous

June 26, 2018

Stop stress from ruining your health

Our attitudes to stress and the mechanisms we adopt to deal with it can have a dramatic impact on how that stress affects us, our performance […]
June 20, 2018

The Importance of Being Organized at Work

Keeping organized at work can be useful for your productivity and your health! Poor organization can be a source of stress – and all the adverse […]
June 14, 2018

How to control stress and anxiety when you have a tight deadline?

The time pressure you feel when you are working towards a tight deadline can hurt your work and your health. So what can you do better […]
June 12, 2018

Pick up a pen to reduce stress

There is a multitude of self-help books which offer advice on how to avoid, reduce and beat stress. But you don’t need to follow the latest […]
June 7, 2018

António Horta Osório: A story of successful stress management

The Lloyds Banking Group boss took time off in 2011 following work-related exhaustion but returned two months later ready to retake the helm. What stress management […]
June 5, 2018
email disaster

How to recover from an email disaster

We’ve all been there. You hit “send” and only then realize that you should have deleted some important names from the “to” field. Don’t panic – […]
May 29, 2018
great leader

How to Become a Great Leader

Is a leader born or made?  One thing is for sure; great leaders operate in similar ways.  Here are five essential approaches that all great leaders […]
May 23, 2018
leadership trends

Top 7 Leadership Trends in 2018

The world is changing and it’s changing fast. That’s a fact. So, as a team leader, how can you keep up with change and still manage […]
May 17, 2018

8 Secrets to Make Your Office Ultra-Productive 8

updated post We’re going to let you know right from the start: increase your office productivity… …. it’s not done simply by making the coffee stronger […]
May 15, 2018
leadership; types of leaders

How to know which type of leader are you?

Have you ever thought which type of leader you are? Or, how can you know your leadership skills? To help you answer these questions, we’ve summed […]
May 10, 2018

Jeff Bezos, “the consumer visionary”

“If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we’ll turn out all right.” – Jeff Bezos Jeff […]