February 18, 2021
security written on screen

How to protect your printer from being hacked

Unsecured devices on home and work networks are a growing problem, thanks to the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. With growing numbers of people […]
February 16, 2021
Mardi gras

DIY Fun with Paper: Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is celebrated in many different ways by Christians all around the globe, but nowhere is it more fun that in Portugal and Brazil, where […]
February 11, 2021
hand holding a small paper heart

DIY Fun with Paper: Valentine’s Day Paper Craft Ideas

This year, instead of flashing the cash on expensive Valentine’s Day gifts, why not spend a little time to create a truly memorable, meaningful and sustainable […]
February 10, 2021

What is National Handwriting Day?

Did you know that there’s a national handwriting day? The day has been celebrated since 1977, thanks to the efforts of the Writing Instruments Manufacturer’s Association! […]
February 5, 2021
girl looking over a book

What’s so good about paper? [Infographic]

Why do we love paper? Although many have said along the years that paper would not prevail the ongoing technological revolution, it has actually found a […]
January 22, 2021

The carbon footprint of paper from sustainable forests

When we think about sustainable products and about making sustainable choices about the way we live, there are few products that are as beneficial and sustainable […]
January 21, 2021

How to use paper effectively in hybrid learning

With increasing numbers of pupils around the world learning at home or via virtual classrooms, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the merits of screen […]
January 14, 2021

Did you know your printer could be hacked?

Printers can be used by hackers as easy routes onto your home and office networks if they are left unsecured. And printers are frequently left unsecured […]
January 12, 2021

The story of those who cultivate sustainable forests

Have you ever fancied switching to a more sustainable career? One in which you actively contribute to conserving the world’s natural resources? If so, you’ll inspired […]
December 30, 2020
2021 calendar

Top Business Trends for 2021

More home working? A beefing up of cybersecurity? These are the trends we see on the near horizon: our predictions for the top business trends of 2021. Few […]
December 29, 2020
mandala drawing

Doodling and Sketching: Learn How to Illustrate

These tips are essential reading for any would-be sketcher or doodler… we direct you to some free illustration templates to help get you started. Doodling has […]
December 23, 2020
books with wooden dinosaurs

Writing Lab: Offer Your Kids a Story

Do you nurture daydreams about being the next JK Rowling? If your bestselling kids story just needs a little help to bring it to life, these short […]
December 18, 2020
crafts table diy notebook

DIY: How to Make Your Own Notebook

DIY notebooks make excellent gifts and offer endless opportunities for customisation.  Here’s our guide to how to make your own notebook. Making a handmade notebook is […]
December 17, 2020
world vs corona sign wewillwin

How We Made It Through COVID-19

2020 has been an unexpected challenge, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic that has swept around the world. Amidst the hardships, however, there have been some amazing […]
December 10, 2020
christmas diy postcard with simple lettering

Customize Your Christmas Cards with Super Simple Lettering

Adding a personalised touch to your Christmas cards and messages doesn’t have to be complicated. These super simple lettering ideas show you how! Add a personalised […]
December 4, 2020
diy christmas postcards

DIY: Homemade Postcard Ideas

Why not make your own postcards this season? Homemade postcards are ideal for fun, personalized messages to friends, seasonal wishes to your nearest and dearest, or […]
November 19, 2020

Writing Lab Challenge: Write a Christmas Story

Have you ever fancied putting pen to paper to write a Christmas story?  Whether it’s to raise money for a good cause or just an opportunity […]
November 13, 2020

Should you invest in print marketing this Christmas?

Should your company be investing in print marketing this Christmas?  Whether it is glossy advertising, promotional flyers or Christmas cards, is print the way to go? […]
November 12, 2020

Healthy Mind, Healthy Life: 7 famous people that have overcome burnout

There has never been a time when mental health was in sharper focus than at this time of social distancing and enforced new ways of working.  […]
November 5, 2020

Start Doodling in 3 Easy Steps

Doodling is one of the easiest hobbies to begin – you need little more than a pencil and paper. And there are many good reasons to take […]