March 15, 2018

Sarah Blakely: a successful career change

The story of SPANX inventor Sarah Blakely’s success demonstrates how passion and invention can power a successful career change. Sara Treleaven Blakely had an unusual career […]
March 8, 2018

How to reinvent yourself professionally?

Life is too short to be miserable in your professional life. It’s never too late to start over and to reinvent yourself professionally. Here’s Business Optimizer’s […]
February 28, 2018

[Infographic] How millennials respond to paper mail

February 22, 2018

Could Time Blocking be your solution to be more productive?

Time is an increasingly scarce commodity. The tasks we have to do, the multiple distractions that arise every day, every hour, seem to keep us from […]
February 20, 2018

Will we still have jobs in the future?

With the rapid evolution of AI and the development of super machines that perform human tasks faster and in a more efficient way, one analyst is […]
February 15, 2018

People at the Center of Digital Transformation

February 8, 2018

[Infographic] How to Write a Professional Email

January 31, 2018

[Infographic] Pen and Paper: the key to unlock the creativity!

January 25, 2018

[Infographic] 7 tips to help you achieve your goals in 2018

January 18, 2018

12 books to read in 2018

January 11, 2018

How to Become an Entrepreneur

Have you been wondering ‘how do I become an entrepreneur’? If so, this article is for you! The New Year is the ideal time to start […]
January 4, 2018
steps to hygge at work

How to Hygge (the Danish secret of happiness) at Work

Have you ever heard about Hygge, the Danish secret of happiness? Well, Hygge is a Danish lifestyle trend based on the notions of coziness, warmth and […]
December 28, 2017

[Infographic] Facts and numbers about paper and print

December 26, 2017

[Infographic] The 10 best Ways to Boost Your Productivity in 2018

December 21, 2017

12 Office Trends for 2018

December 14, 2017

The magic story about Santa Claus and Coca-Cola

December 7, 2017

How to Survive Your Office Christmas Party

November 30, 2017

[Infographic] What is Digital Printing?

November 28, 2017

[Infographic]How to Ask for and Get a Raise

November 23, 2017

Smart writing gadgets review