September 22, 2021

In defense of the climate: Last call to save the planet

The recent wildfires in Turkey and Greece and across the West Coast of the USA, together with the devastating flash flooding in China, Japan, and across […]
September 17, 2021

Celebrate Doodle Day and help support people with epilepsy

The Business Optimizer team loves doodling as a tool to beat stress and aid concentration. That’s why we’re 100 percent behind this great initiative in aid […]
September 8, 2021

Why do we need International Literacy Day? Six reasons why…

International Literacy Day falls on 8th September. Originally designated by UNESCO in 1966, the day seeks to raise the importance of literacy to all countries and […]
September 7, 2021

How to survive “back to work” syndrome

Workers around the world are reporting natural feelings of anxiety about the return to work. So what can you do to deal with your own anxieties? […]
September 6, 2021
back to school with business optimizer

Sustainable “back to school” goodies

Let’s go back to school and work this fall in a sustainable fashion. Here’s Business Optimizer’s pick of the back-to-school products your family can choose this […]
August 31, 2021

Back to school survival Kit [Infographic]

In the USA alone, some 50.6 million public elementary and secondary students will be thinking about going back to school – if they haven’t already. Business […]
August 25, 2021

How Doodling Helps You Relax in Meetings

Did you know that famous doodlers include JFK, Ernest Hemingway, Queen Victoria, Victor Hugo, JK Rowling and Hillary Clinton? Or that, quite apart from indicating a […]
August 18, 2021

Let’s Get Creative: How to Paint with Colored Pencils

For our August art inspiration, the Business Optimizer team is exploring colored pencil instructions and asking: What are the best tips and techniques for creating art […]
August 13, 2021

Happy International Left-Handers’ Day

August 13 is international left-handers’ day. The day was inaugurated in 1976 to celebrate people who favor using their left hand and raise awareness of the […]
August 4, 2021

Paper wonders with Frank Lloyd Wright

Explore and enjoy the architecture of one of the twentieth century’s greatest architects through the medium of the Japanese art of kirigami. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) […]
July 28, 2021
Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter: woman, writer, scientist but above all a visionary

Beatrix Potter loved writing. She kept a journal – in a code that wasn’t deciphered until some years after her death. And she would write wonderful […]
July 20, 2021
An easy-to-assemble DIY paper chess board from

Make your very own chess game and celebrate the World Chess Day

Did you know that international chess day is July 20? Inspired by the day – and not a little by the sensational Netflix series the Queen’s […]
July 14, 2021
travel writing

Get ready for 8 amazing travel writing tips

What makes a great travel article? We’re not talking listicles here… we’re talking about the kind of travel writing that immerses readers in the locale, tells […]
July 7, 2021

Five Amazing Hand-Lettering Artists to Follow

Business Optimizer picks some of our favourite hand-lettering artists that are creating beautiful fonts and lettering. If you love calligraphy or like to see originality and […]
July 2, 2021

EU Bans Single-Use Plastics

As of July 3, 2021, the European Union has banned single-use plastics. This is a huge step forward in the bid to reduce plastic waste going […]
June 29, 2021

Fact-Checker: The Fake News about Paper [Infographic]

Why is the paper industry so beset by Fake News? There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding created around our production and use of paper. […]
June 28, 2021

DIY Make Your Own Photo Album

How do you save your vacation snaps so that you can share them easily with friends and family? Photo books are the solution – and there […]
June 23, 2021

Letters that Changed the World

Business Optimizer takes a look at some of the famous letter writers whose writings have changed the course of history: from Einstein’s letter that kick-started the […]
June 16, 2021

Why Printed Books Are Still Our Favourites

We’ve written extensively in the past about the wonderful qualities of the printed word. And it seems that we are not alone in our love of […]
June 9, 2021
art challenges

Most Popular Art Challenges to Try in 2021

Do you wish you had more time to pursue your artistic interests? Would you like to develop new drawing or design skills? Joining an Art Challenge […]